This is typical. Absolutely typical… of the kind of..

This is typical. Absolutely typical… of the kind of..



Oil on linen

Painting Notes:

1. Mantegna: Lamentation over the Dead Christ, 1490

2. Marcel Proust deathbed photo, Man Ray and Elmer Batters instruction sheet

3. Emily Dickinson, daguerreotype, 1848

4. Thomas Eakins: John Biglin in a Single Scull, 1874

5. R. Crumb & P. P. Rubens: Satyrs and Nymphs, Prado, 1636-8. Airboy

6. Rothko Chapel with worshippers, Cy Twombly with kosher chickens.

7. Otto Dix: Shell Craters, 1917.

8. U. S. soldiers using dogs to abuse a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison, Baghdad 2003.

9. Jonah Freeman and Justin Lowe: “Hello Meth Lab with a View.”

10. Susan Sontag, 1974.

11. Jean Paul Sartre

12. Simone de Beauvoir

13. John Cleese [above: the death of Craig Ewert in an assisted suicide 2006. Could be seen on British television]

14. Henry Geldzahler

15. Immanuel Kant

16. Titian: Diana and Acteon, Duke of Sutherland Collection, 1556-9.

17. Anthony Blunt